In the few missions which do require you tolouch down on the tarmac, you simply head through a couple of floaty ring waypoints and the rest is done for you. Indeed, so overpowering is Heroes' arcadey flavour that you don't even have to worry about landing your bird. What you won't be doing is spending five hours cruising 30,000ft over Jizzlobistan in order to bomb an underground bunker eight miles away, then flying for another five hours to get back to your airbase.
A typical level in Heroes might have you shooting down 50 Japanese bombers, blowing open the gates of a POW camp and clearing a field of anti-shipping mines the only way you know how - by strafing the ever-loving crap out of them.
Flight Sims Can be divvied up into two main categories: those that come supplied with a phone book-sized manual and require you to come supplied with an even larger beard, and those like Heroes Of The Pacific.